Terp Spejdercenter

Terp Spejdercenter

– Sydvestjyllands grønne spejdercenter

Personal data and cookie policy

You should read this policy and contact us if there is information in the policy that you cannot accept.
At https://terp-spejdercenter.dk/persondata-og-cookiepolitik you will be able to find the applicable version of the privacy policy at any time.

The organization responsible for the processing of your personal data is:
Terp Scout Center
Terpvej 4B
DK – 6740 Bramming
Contact person: Mikael Simonsen
Email: info@terp-spejdercenter.dk
Website: www.terp-spejdercenter.dk

Registration of data
When you visit our website, we (Terp Spejdercenter) only record personal data to the extent that you yourself have given us this information. This will typically be when making a reservation and booking the center.

Personally identifiable information is never sold or passed on to third parties.

We register personal data with the aim of being able to provide our customers and others who are interested in our center with the best possible service. The personal data is necessary to manage your rental of the center.
We register the following personal data:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone numbers
  • Email address

and in some cases also:

  • Bank details (reg. no. and account no.)

An example of communication is the conclusion of a lease and the collection of rent, etc. We communicate, as far as possible, via e-mail. We use information about registration no. and account no. when we have to return money, e.g. if a deposit has been paid.

Protection and storage of personal data
The information is stored at a web hotel in Denmark.
We have taken technical and organizational measures against your information being accidentally or illegally deleted, published, lost, degraded or coming to the knowledge of unauthorized persons, misused or otherwise processed in violation of the law.
We store the registered personal data in unencrypted form in databases that are protected against unauthorized access.
We use encrypted communication between the browser and the server (SSL).

Period of storage
We store your information in accordance with the Danish Accounting Act. After this, all information will be deleted or anonymized in such a way that the information can no longer identify you.
If you have provided us with your contact details without us concluding a rental agreement, your details will be deleted after a maximum of 1 month.

Your rights
When we process personal data about you, you have a number of special rights according to the Personal Data Regulation:

  • The right to be informed about the processing of data
  • The right to access your own personal data
  • The right to rectification and erasure
  • In special circumstances: The right to limit processing
  • The right to data portability (provision of data in a commonly used format)
  • The right to object
  • The right to withdraw consent if the processing is based on consent

You can write to the centre’s contact person to make use of one or more of the above rights.
The contact person is listed at the top of this document.

If you request to have your personal data corrected or deleted, we will check whether the conditions are met and, if so, implement changes or deletion as soon as possible.
If you are dissatisfied with our processing of your personal data, you can complain to the Danish Data Protection Authority:
Datatilsynet, Borgergade 28, 5th floor, 1300 København K., telephone 3319 3200, e-mail: dt@datatilsynet.dk

Third-party content, websites, services, etc.
We use 2 external service with which we have a data processing agreement:

  • www.one.com, which is our hosting center for the website
  • www.kalendersystem.dk (hosted at yayhosting.dk)

The rapid development of the internet means that changes to our personal data policy may become necessary.
We therefore reserve the right to update and change these guidelines for the processing of personal data. In the event of significant changes, we will notify you in the form of a visible notice on the website.

Cookie policy
A cookie is a small data file that websites store on the user’s computer in order to recognize the computer. Cookies can be used, among other things, to compile statistics on users’ use of the website.
www.terp-spejdercenter.dk currently only uses necessary cookies to present and remember user choices regarding the site’s cookie and personal data policy.

Further questions
You are welcome to contact us at info@terp-spejdercenter.dk if you have further questions about cookies or personal data at www.terp-spejdercenter.dk.