Terp Spejdercenter

Terp Spejdercenter

– Sydvestjyllands grønne spejdercenter

Rental Information

Prices and rental condition 2025

Hire of Centre building1 day without night (mon. – fri.) school days / week daysDKK925,00
Per day (1200h – 2230h)DKK1.700,00
Weekend (fri. 1600h – son. 1600h)DKK3.400,00
Short week (Mon. – Fri.)DKK6.300,00
Full week (Sat. – Sat.)DKK8.100,00
ElectricityDKK/kwhcurrent daily price
Kløvermarken and small camp sitesPer person (however at least DKK 200 per camp site / day)DKK30,00
Outdoor lavatories, access during your stay (situated at Kløvermarken)300,00

Prices in the table apply to the rental year specified in the heading. Current price for a rental period in an upcoming calendar year appears automatically in the rental system (available in the Danish part of the website) or on request at our rental contact (see contact information).
Adjustment of prices may occur during the year and will automatically apply to new rentals after the time of change.

If the number of participants exceeds 34 people, an additional fee of DKK 30 per person is paid per day for the remaining number of people.

Special price for larger events  

At camp events with min. 150 participants and a duration of min. 6 days, we offer a special price for renting the entire centre. – Contact our landlord for further information.